A review by ccgwalt
Have Mercy by Christina Lee


3.5 for the story C+/B-
4 for the narration B

This is a nice story, but I found it a bit boring. When Julian is an ex-soldier wounded by a roadside bomb. He comes to Wyoming for the summer to help his cousin Shelby build a new store, where he becomes the catalyst for a whole lot of changes, for himself and those around him. Shelby and her ex-husband Cary (who came out as gay) still live in the same house in order to support their daughter, Ainsley, who has leukemia. Julian is at loose ends and since he is suffering with PTSD , decides some time away from Chicago might be a good idea. During his time in Wyoming, he and Cary begin to fall in love. I liked the characters and enjoyed the story, but felt some of the tensions were hand-waved away.

Ainsley is involved in therapy with an equine therapist to help with her anxiety issues. I enjoyed reading about it since I volunteer as an Equine Therapeutic Riding Center as a leader (I lead the horse during the lessons), and am working toward my certification as an Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning through PATH International. Most everything described about the therapy was spot-on. Unfortunately, I did have one big problem with the story. No certified equine therapist would pair an untrained horse with a participant. All the equines used in any therapy program have been to be evaluated for safe and suitability, even for ground activities. We do use a lot of rescue horses, but they have to be the right temperament and several months of schooling so they are not easily spooked

Also, there are no such things as miniature pigs that stay at 30 lbs. The smallest breeds are sometimes as small as 60lbs, but most miniature pigs range upwards of 150-200 lbs, which is, in fact, small for a pig!

Although it wasn't my favorite performance by him, Nick Russo is a reliable narrator who I always enjoy. His character voices are excellent as usual.