A review by justiceofkalr
Kids of Appetite by David Arnold


I'm not sure I enjoyed this as much as [b:Mosquitoland|18718848|Mosquitoland|David Arnold|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1402661616s/18718848.jpg|26584442]. The beginning of this book is a little disorienting with the characters in a police investigation throwing out all these phrases that are meaningless and ridiculous until you learn more about them as the story progresses through flashblack style chapters. Some people might find this intriguing, but I just found it like listening to someone's in-jokes that I'm not in on. Past that it started to get better, but I still found some of the dialogue a little silly/ridiculous. I also found that the two POV characters sounded kind if the same and I had some trouble remembering whose chapter I was reading.