A review by whatstephreads
Guillotine: Poems by Eduardo C. Corral


This is a collection of carefully and deliberately laid-out poems, many presented in a sort of experimental/unconventional format; this might not be everyone’s preference but it serves a purpose to the author so I am cool with it. Some of the poems are in Spanish, so keep that in mind in case you are not a native speaker. For those who are, the words will be easier to understand even though the contecxt might still be muddled (if you love to interpret poetry, this will be a good one for you!) I still haven’t dabbled much in contemporary/21st century poetry but I like to read stuff here and there. Being a first-generation Mexican American, I was particularly drawn to this title, but it can certainly be universally appreciated and understood. This read was short, somewhere around 80 pages if I recall, and it was borrowed at the library, so hopefully someone else will come across and enjoy it even more than I did!