A review by remlezar
Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel


I first read this book years ago, but I didn't appreciate it as much as I did this time.

In the last year, I have taken up disc golf as a regular hobby. I quickly discovered what so many who came before me already knew - golf is a mental game. After becoming frustrated at my regular mental foul-ups on the course, I picked up "The Inner Game of Golf" by Gallwey. It has helped my game in a significant way, but the entire time I read it I kept thinking about "Zen in the Art of Archery."

Many of the concepts, while called by different names, are the same. It was a neat experience to pick this book up and realize that the same mental foibles that cause me to miss putts in my silly round of disc golf have plagued mankind for ages, and the treatment is as simple but illusive today as it was in ancient Japan.

I also teach, and both "The Inner Game of Golf" and "Zen in the Art of Archery" made me think about how humans learn, and how, too often, our egos get in the way of our own success.

Great book, a classic.