A review by kaitlin_durante
Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti


[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti is the fifth book in the Deep Ops series. Jethro Hanson is trying to rebuild his life in the US by pondering good vs. evil instead of fighting it. He doesn’t expect the visiting professor Gemma Falls to immediately entrance him but he finds himself trying to help her in any way he can even when she fights him every step of the way. Unfortunately Jethro’s past is catching up with him and causes a collision course between his and Gemma’s life. While trying to protect her daughter and her newest location from her dangerous ex, Gemma can’t help but fall for the dashing Brit and his collection of dangerous yet protective family members. With the past closing in on both of them Gemma and Jethro are forced to decide if they run or if they fight for a new future together.

Jethro Hanson is a super spy warrior hiding beneath his uptight professor exterior. He finds himself shocked at his immediate and overwhelming need to protect Gemma and Trudy even at the expense of his own safety. He is surrounded by his found family of the past when the twins come to town to help and his deep ops family, especially his unexpected best friend Wolfe. The past is rearing its ugly head and the only way Jethro can find safety again is to put it down for good. He struggles with the violence he saw and administered in the past but finds solace that Gemma, Trudy and the rest of his family is able to see the man he is now beyond the danger and secrets.

He was everything and more than she could ever want. Smart, sexy, and kind. Plus, a total 007 badass with a mind for game theory.

Gemma Falls has been running for years to protect her daughter from the violence she endured at the hands of her ex. She only stays for short periods of time anywhere but wants to try at DC University, standing in for Serena. She fights Jethro from the start because she knows there’s more to him than meets the eye and is wary from past experiences. When she finally lets him into her life, the security and comfort he brings with his family is more than she ever expected to have. She has not allowed herself to even consider a romantic relationship but Jethro proves to be exactly what she needed.

He ducked his head and lightly rasped down her neck to nip her collarbone.
“I knew. The first time you smiled at me, really smiled, I knew you’d be perfect.”
The words dug deep into her heart and took root.

The Deep Ops family has their work cut out for them with both Jethro and Gemma’s pasts coming back to try and ruin their futures. I will not go into too much detail about both pasts because seeing them unveil keeps the action and intensity up. This story is exactly what I’ve come to expect from Zanetti’s suspenseful romances.

4 stars for Jethro and Gemma putting the past to rest for a future together.