A review by hollymaynisbet
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo



My first proper fantasy read and I loved it!!!!

If you need a song to listen to while reading this book: Amber Run - I Found (original or slowed). This song fits with the overall feel and just creates this intense atmosphere that is so fun to read with.

This book has got to be one of the easiest things I've ever read, I didn't want to put it down - though school made me put it down at certain points. It was so well written that it flowed from point to point and before I knew it, I was at the end of it. I only have the first book so I have to go and buy the other 2 so I can finish this amazing story Alina is on!

I can't wait to watch the TV show, I purposefully didn't watch it until I had read the books because I wanted to see how they compared - the world I created in my head and the one on the screen. However, when reading anything to do with the Darkling, my mind was thinking of Ben Barnes.

Also, I've seen Darkling slander, and I totally understand why considering the fact that he was very manipulative of Alina. But my oh my, his actions and certain phrases he says are very attractive so I find it hard to hate him. He is a great villain and an interesting love interest.

The yearning Alina has for his power is very different from what you normally see in these types of books, it wasn't necessarily him she was drawn to but the power he could give her and the feeling of his power.

At first I wasn't so sure on Mal, I thought he was going to be a bit unlikeable - especially when he didn't try to stop the Darkling from taking Alina. Though as the story went on, I came to love him and his need to protect Alina.

Overall, my favourite fantasy book I have read, actually scratch that, ever. One of my favourite books ever and I implore you to read this! You're missing out on an amazing read!

Happy reading!!!!