A review by whitreadslit
The Orphan of Cemetery Hill by Hester Fox


*I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.*

I have been a huge fan of both of Hester Fox’s previous books (find my reviews for them here and here!), so I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to be part of her blog tour for her latest book. Fox writes with a delightfully Gothic style that brings to mind the Bronte sisters, but with American heroines.

The heroine of this novel, Tabby, is just as much a delight as the ladies from her previous works. She is an intriguing character in that she is clairvoyant and can speak to the spirits of the dead. This is a gift she has hidden from the world, much as she has hidden herself. Getting to see Tabby blossom into a confident young woman is one of the great joys of this novel.

Our other main character, Caleb, was a little harder for me to fall for. He is rich, privileged, and a bit of a rake. As the story progresses he becomes more and more endearing, but I had a bit of a hard time seeing why Tabby was so head over heels for him from the start.

The story was riveting and kept me guessing the entire time. I loved the mystery of the grave robberies and how all of the strange goings-on of the novel were connected. I thought Fox did a fantastic job keeping the plot moving without giving too much away.

I also wish we had gotten a little more of Mary Ruth and Alice in the story. They were both such interesting characters, and I really wanted to know more about both of them.

Overall, this is a fantastic story that will keep you guessing until the end. It has a bit of the paranormal in there, but it is largely a Gothic romance with an interesting mystery. I highly recommend it!

My Rating:

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2

I gave The Orphan of Cemetery Hill 4.5 STARS!