A review by jksh5678
Running with a Sweet Talker by Jami Albright


This was an enjoyable read from another new to me author. There were many parts of the book I really liked, but there were also parts I did not. I do have to say it was funny! I loved the beginning where Jack is witnessing Luanne's "bride on the run" antics. The banter between the two was also pretty hilarious. Jack calling Luanne hummingbird was really sweet. I just love sweet nicknames, it just does something to me lol. I think what I did not enjoy so much was how cruel the parents ended up being. I just didn't understand why Jack's father had to be so mean. It just didn't make sense to me and don't get me started on Luanne's father, what a horrible man!

I also kept going back and forth with the story itself as it went along. Luanne considers herself a badass, but then when read about how she is with her father... not so much. And her deciding on her own to go meet Jack's family, again on the shelf. Jack would have never done it on his own and his family was really cool so not quite sure how I felt about this decision. The robbery scene was funny and kind of sweet, but also a bit far fetched. But it is fiction so what can I say.

All in all I enjoyed the book but not one that would really be memorable.