A review by abetterjulie
A Lady Who Looks Good When She's Crying by Dan Ackerman


I loved the intimacy of this book. Ackerman has a masterful way of conveying relationships through interiority and dialogue. I sincerely felt like I'd made friends with these characters, and I'm ready for the next book!

Sunshine and Specter run a paranormal detective agency, but this book isn't so much about solving cases as it is about solving the mystery of each other. There are cases, and the hook of them slowly builds in the background of the larger narrative of Sunshine's sudden availability. One of my favorite scenes in the book was full of banter between Dr. Love, Specter, and Sunshine as they try to solve the mystery of a corpse. It was so good, I went and found my husband and read it out to him and acted out the voices.

It was astonishing to me that despite not being a gay man, a demon, or an angel - this book felt like it was written just for me. I cried and laughed, and I laughed while crying. The tender, painful, and compassionate interactions between two ancient friends who want to be lovers was just what I needed.

I was worried that this would be a Good Omens knock-off, but instead I discovered something that went much deeper and cozier. It's clear that Ackerman put all of their heart into this story. I loved it, and I'll be sharing this book with friends every chance I get.

Thank you to NetGalley and Supposed Crimes for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.