A review by meghjcollins
Come Closer by Sara Gran


Come Closer, Sara Grann ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This story is scary, funny and also really sad. It's a short book, a great stop gap and will definitely lift you out of a slump, but its also just a really good book. I don't know how else to sum it up.

At first I was laughing with Amanda, I was relating, honestly I was pretty much thinking 'yeah girl, get it'. The tapping is ominous and really reminiscent of Tick Tick Scrape (anyone else remember that?!), she sums up pet peeves so well and makes sure the reader is fully relating before bringing in the crazy crazy.

This book confuses you into submission and has this frantic, unsteady pace which really adds to the horror vibe. The ending suited the book and wrapped it up nicely, but maybe I wanted something slightly more from it? 

The only reason it gets 4/5 is because there's just SOMETHING missing, but I'd still reccomend to any lovers of the weird and scary.

Also, a moment for Ed, the poor bastard