A review by witandsin
Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts by Nancy Campbell Allen


4.25 stars - Reviewed for Wit and Sin

A heroine determined to fight for what’s right. A hero assigned to protect her. Danger, romance, and a clock ticking down to midnight all blend together wonderfully in Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts. I adored this action-packed steampunk romance and its stellar characters, clever inventions, and oh-so-addictive world.

I can’t imagine Emme not winning anyone over. She’s courageous, kind, and determined to fight for what is right, no matter the personal cost. As Spokeswoman for the International Shifter Rights Organization she has the opportunity to give the closing speech right before the end of a summit where legislation to protect shifters is up for a vote. Only someone is determined she not live to make that speech. Enter Detective-Inspector Oliver Reed, Emme’s nemesis and the man who has arrested her more than once. Oliver agrees with Emme’s mission – he’s a good, logical person and his best friend is a predatory shifter, after all – it’s her disruptive ways he doesn’t agree with. No matter how often they’ve come into conflict, the simmering attraction between Emme and Oliver cannot be denied. So when he’s assigned to be her bodyguard and make sure she gets to Scotland in once piece, neither of them can hide their feelings any longer. Their romance seems to be fated (especially since their closest friends are all paired up) so I didn’t mind that they fell in love rather quickly; it goes with the Cinderella theme.

What I found most interesting about Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts is how well Emme and Oliver worked together. They may have been adversaries in the past, but they both want the same thing. And to get to Scotland, they must overcome obstacles at every corner. Between Emme’s evil stepsister, Oliver’s vampire brother, death threats, kidnappings, and more, I wasn’t sure at times how our protagonists would make it. Thankfully they have allies old and new who add warmth and depth to the world. Fans of the series will delight in seeing past couples play supporting roles and there is a new character I found totally endearing who fills several Cinderella roles.

Though Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts has many nods to a beloved fairytale, it does fully stand on its own. I do recommend reading at least the first book in the series (Beauty and the Clockwork Beast) before starting Emme and Oliver’s book. You should be familiar with the wonderful world Nancy Campbell Allen has built before jumping headfirst into a story of steampunk, shifters, vampires, and more that does not offer a primer. I’ve adored every book in this series and this one does not disappoint. My only quibble is that there is a lot going on in this book and a few things felt rushed because so much was packed in (namely the storyline involving Oliver’s brother). Even with that issue, I enjoyed this story overall. I adore the way Nancy Campbell Allen blends fairytale and steampunk to create a world that is wholly unique. I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next!

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.