A review by kittykitcat
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite

I don’t think I could rate this book or recommend it without feeling evil.

This read like the experience of going through the internet unsupervised at a young age. You think you’re cool, because nothing has affected you the way your parents, and other people think it will. And then you come across that particular photo or video that will imprint itself on your memory forever. Only with reading a book you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.

Praise to William Martin for crafting such a nihilistic world, and putting it to page so well I couldn’t stop going through it, even when I should have.

And for the love of God, Goddess, or whatever you believe (or don’t believe) in, check the content warnings. I don’t care if you’re tough as nails because of your unrestricted internet access.