A review by queendarcy
No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank


Actual rating: 3.5 stars

*by now I've read all 3 "books" and can say that the whole thing is pretty bad, but this first part was actually decent so yeah...that's why this review is still "positive" XD*

When I read the summary I was very intrigued, and the whole thing sounded like it would be a sci-fi/fantasy/magical realism mixed all together. And it truly was - it was mysterious and not many answers were given, but considering this is actually just the "first part" of a "full book" and has only 150 pages, I'm not complaining. Anyways, the characters were interesting and the thing with the polar bear was cool along with all the technology they use and the world-building.

On the other hand, we don't learn much about anything, we just "meet" the characters. Also, all of these dystopian things happening sound familiar and we've seen them a million times before. Basically, it's nothing special and it didn't really pull me in - BUT it was still intriguing enough for me to continue the series....which I now know was a bad choice XD

P.S. that scene when they see the library for the first time totally reminded me of Tenth Doctor :D

'Oh.' she gasps.
In here there are thousands of them. A room full of weaponry - illegal weaponry."

P.P.S. the covers for the whole series are gorgeous *u*