A review by zelph
The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine by Terry Wahls, Eve Adamson


I'm currently living, or striving to live according to this protocol. The program is essentially a Paleo to Ketogenic diet. But while I've been on and off of these programs for several years, there are several things that set this book apart for me.

1. It has multiple tiers of eating protocols that allow you to ease into this lifestyle making it much more approachable than your typical Paleo or Ketogenic programs. The entry levels are more Paleo-like while the 3rd tier is a fairly strict Ketogenic plan.

2. The results of the author speak for themselves. The author had advancing MS and was to the point of being mostly immobile and within 6 months recovered function enough to ride miles on her bike. I actually came across this book while looking for dietary guidelines for a friend who has MS. While I don't have MS, I thought it stood to reason that it could have health benefits for others as well and it already fit into how I was mostly eating already.

3. The reasoning of the author for why she developed the eating plan the way she did TOTALLY resonated with me. After becoming debilitated by MS she started reading all the academic material available about MS. As a doctor she was in a unique position to truly comprehend and digest this material.

She made a list of nutrients that seemed to help and put herself on a regimen of supplements to provide these nutrients. She then realized, and this is the part that really resonated, that it would be much better to get these nutrients from real foods since real foods also contain a multitude of other nutrients and micro-nutrients that may help. Many of most of these lesser known nutrients have never even been researched and may have additional positive benefits. She developed an eating plan that would provide all the needed nutrients without having to use supplementation.

This concept was completely new to me but completely obvious once I read it. I've often looked to external supplementation to address health issues. The problem with depending upon a vitamin or supplement is that you isolate a single nutrient and ignore all the nutrients that surround it in nature. It's very possible that other naturally-occurring related nutrients may affect the effectiveness of the isolated nutrient, not to mention having benefits on its own. The idea of food being your medicine (not supplements) has been around since Hippocrates but only struck home for me upon reading this book. I now try to getting all the nutrients I need from REAL FOOD!

4. Terry created a simple and memorable system for determining what foods to eat. It varies slightly between protocols but in essence is 2-3 cups of leafy greens, 2-3 cups of cruciferous veggies, and 2-3 cups of colored veggies. She clarifies how she defines each group and lists examples from each group in the book. Each group provides a different grouping of nutrients that together is very healing for the body. This has simplified so much for me how to plan my nutrition for each day. I'm far from perfect but it's easy to try and get nutrients from each category, even if I don't always get my full dosage.