A review by momsanerd
A Tale of Two Djinns by Mina Khan


Far too often lately when I read a book, I am only giving it 4 stars. There is always one little thing, something about a world, a character, etc that keeps me from doing so. I am please to say that this one gets the full 5 stars from me. First off, who does not like the idea of a djinn romance? They are ones that seemed to have less books than say vampires and ghosts, or even faeries. The world that was built for me by the author was believable and I could almost feel like I was actually a part of it. I felt an immediate connection with the characters, with is a real must for me. I need to love or hate a character enough to sink into the book. This time I was in love with that characters.

This story was like a sci-fi/paranormal yet modern day version of a Romeo and Juliet style story. All the classic and wonderful key components were there; families/djinn kinds that hate each other, the loss of a good friend, the love story between two people that would normally not look at each other and would not be allowed to either, fighting, etc. What makes it even better than that is at the end the couple, who were awesome together, did not end up in a weird death/love story. It did leave me wanting more. I went into the book knowing that it was a novella but finished needing there to be a second book, or more chapters. While the author did sum it and end it on a good note, it was just one of those books where you where you loved everything about it so much you did not want it to end! I see that there is another djinn novella (not the same characters) by the same author that I will have to check out based on the awesome that this one was.

*In full complete disclosure I was given a free copy of this book to read and review for my honest opinion. This is my honest opinion and was in no way persuaded one way or another by the author or anyone else. "book provided by the Author through PNR NaUBA group Author/Reader Exchange" AND place the books you receive from us on a shelf:"PNR NaUBA r2r"