A review by caeralee
Claimed by Fate by Shannon Mayer


Claimed by Fate picks up right where Hunted by Fate left off, Sienna is grieving the horrible loss of her brother by love Jordan, and in the processing blames Dominic for allowing him into the battlefield. On top of that Will and Bea are still circling around each other instead of giving in to their feelings so the books starts off with a lot of anger and strife to work through…
But work through it Shannon did! This book was amazing, the build up of emotions is off the charts in both directions. True to Shannon’s style, the readers hearts are wrenched in all directions before this book is finished.
We follow the crew as they work towards the final confrontation with Edward and whether they will win or they will die. And despite the huge battle to come there are of course obstacles thrown in the way, bloodworms, mind sickness, dying lands, and multiple beings speaking through others.
Will it be too much to bear or will Sienna and crew persevere at the end of the day? You will need to pick up the book to find out yourself!