A review by sarah_moynihan
The Key to Deceit by Ashley Weaver


‘London, 1940. After years of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor—well, to themselves, anyway—Ellie McDonnell and her family have turned over a new leaf as they help the government’s war effort. It’s true that the straight-laced Major Ramsey didn’t give them much choice, but still, Ellie must admit she doesn’t miss breaking and entering as much as she might have thought. What she does miss is the challenge of unlocking an impossible code and the adrenaline rush that comes from being somewhere she shouldn’t.

So when Major Ramsey turns up unannounced with another job, she can’t say no. A woman’s body has been found floating in the Thames, with a bracelet locked onto her wrist, and a cameo locket attached to it. It’s clear this woman was involved in espionage, but whose side was she on? Who was she reporting to? And who wanted her dead?’

4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 stars.

The Key to Deceit is the second book in Ashley Weaver’s Electra McDonnell series. This is my honest review.

I think this series is great so far and that Electra is a great main character, I appreciate that she stands a little outside the ideal norms of the time for what a woman should be and how they should behave. Some whodunit, danger, some intrigue and espionage, this series is very compelling so far.

I was pretty sure I knew who the villain mastermind was for a bit before the reveal so I wasn’t on the edge of my seat, but I enjoyed the journey to the reveal. The secondary mystery of her mother and the crime she was accused carries forward from the first book in the series and gives us and Electa a bit more insight, that in turn raises some further questions. I’m intrigued to see where this mystery will take her as the series progresses

What I didn’t quite enjoy was the love triangle. Always a pretty big NO from me, but I’m disappointed that this element seems to be growing here. It is introduced in the first book, but it is more the idea that there is the potential of something between Ellie and Felix that they skirt around instead of pursuing and then she meets Ramsey and there is an unvoiced attraction. In this second book it is much more blatant and Ellie is fixating on one or the other back and forth throughout the book. This isn’t a deal breaker for me yet, but I hope this won’t overshadow the future mysteries.

I’ve read Ashley Weaver’s debut Amory Ames series and I enjoyed it quite a lot. That series reads much more like a cozy mystery series and so I am enjoying this series much more so far. Also Electra is a much more intriguing character than Amory, so if you enjoyed the previous series, but found Amory a bit meh sometimes, then I think you’ll really enjoy this series. I would recommend reading this series in order, although it’s not essential. Looking forward to the next in the series!

I would like to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books for sharing an eARC of The Key to Deceit by Ashley Weaver. This is my honest review.