A review by hlizmarie
Visions by Kelley Armstrong


In this second book, we find Olivia trying to have some semblance of a normal life while still processing the circumstances of her early years and seeing omens and other preternatural signs at every turn. Gabriel Walsh is still a major player and in spite of some rather large bumps in the road is still a very significant part of Olivia's life and her attempts to unravel the mysteries of who she is, what she is and why Cainsville is so damn strange. If you haven't read the first book definitely go get it and come back to this one. There's a lot of creepy and fascinating groundwork laid out in book one that's needed to pick up book two. There are some great things about this series. It's just plain eerie! Weird things happen constantly. There is very little over explained for the reader. No info dumps or hand holding here. There is great subtlety to the plot meaning you have to read every word and I even pull out my phone to do some googling of the Welsh terms used here and there to get some clarification of what type of "magic" forces are at work in the town. I feel like I have to work at this a bit and it's well worth it! There's so many threads dangling and while we do get some answers that whet the readers appetite by book's end it barely scratches the surface. The characters are also really interesting, Gabriel in particular. They have different levels and depths and all serve a purpose. Olivia is very easy to root for and is a strong female lead without shoving it in your face. Gabriel is so hard to define I won't even try. The rest all fit seamlessly. I haven't always been a fan of this author's work but really feel like she nailed it here.