A review by florisw
The Climate of History in a Planetary Age by Dipesh Chakrabarty

Not giving a star-rating for this one because it's unlike most other books I read. It's hugely impressive when it comes to command of scholarship, but its readability is shocking at times. Perhaps it's best as a resource to dip in and out of, only reading individual chapters or parts of chapters at a time. Case-in-point: this is probably the 4th time reading the first chapter (on the "Four Theses"), and I'd still struggle to outline what he's arguing. And my heart truly sank every time he ended a subsection saying that we need to go back to the thinking of some French or German philosopher to better understand whatever esoteric problem he's dreamt up. That might sound like it's me being dismissive of the work - not at all. The book is ultra ambitious in scope and honestly does a decent job of living up to that ambition. This is just a reminder to me to actually come back to (parts of) it in the future when it's actually relevant for me to do so.