A review by herlizaness
A House of Rage and Sorrow by Sangu Mandanna


I just cried the whole way through this book, why do I keep reading things that cause me pain?

Every single family dynamic from Esmae and her siblings to Max and his father to the gods just absolutely breaks my heart. I wanted to scream at everyone to just make peace, stop breaking yourselves and breaking the world to make yourself feel whole! I am terrified for the third book because I genuinely don’t think it can get much more painful than this. A house of rage and sorrow is an extremely accurate title for this book, to say the least.

I am so invested in Kirran and Amba and the gods in general. Their dynamics just ... oof. I would kill for more - a scene, a chapter, a short story totally unrelated to the events of this series, anything. The sibling dynamics are just yeah.