A review by lostcupofstars
The Golden Frog Games by Claribel A. Ortega


I thought this was a decent sequel, it took a lil while to get into the story and it would have benefitted from more editing. There are a lot of similarities to Goblet of Fire and as someone who has ditched the HP series I would have loved it to be less similar, but I love these characters and I enjoyed being back in this world.

Everything happens in the last 30 pages (of course) and bc there was so little development for the characters outside of the main three, the reveals didn’t pack as much punch as they should have.
The ending leaves so many questions and I’m a little salty about a kids book having a cliffhanger ending. I feel like in a series there should be clues left to link in to the next book, but each book should be wrapped up especially if the target audience is children. 

That being said, I look forward to those questions (hopefully) being answered in the next book 😊