A review by elliefufu
The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male by Jessica Clare


The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male, Bluebonnet #2, by Jessica Clare
Grade: B-

“Just because I am female does not mean I need you to swoop in and be a hero. Sometimes we can save ourselves, you know.”

Colt Waggoner left Bluebonnet, Texas nine years ago and never looked back. Colt tried for years to shake the stigma of being a “white trash Waggoner” his entire life but now that he’s back he can’t seem to get the town to realize he’s changed. When he goes out to help evacuate a festival that go rained out he comes across the town princess Beth Ann Williamson lost in the woods looking for her younger sister. Colt decides to seek revenge on Beth Ann and keep her out in the woods for awhile but he never expected the spoiled girl to be an amazing woman.

Beth Ann Williamson spent nine years of her life trying to be the perfect daughter and girlfriend to her ex Allan and lost who she was. Even though Beth Ann broke up with Allen ten months earlier no one in the town, including Allen, seem to get that she is moving on and becoming her own person. When Beth Ann is sent by her mother to get her sister, she never expected to be stranded with Colt Waggoner but the more time she spends with him the more she likes him. Beth Ann is becoming her own person and Colt might be the man to help her achieve that.

It took me a little while to get into this book but by the end I loved it. This is the second book in the Bluebonnet series but can be read as stand alone with no problem. Beth Ann is your typical queen bee, daughter of the mayor, good girl who smiled when she was told to and stuck by her cheating boyfriend for nine years. Finally Beth Ann has had enough and is doing things for herself and no one else. I will admit that I disliked Beth Ann A LOT when I first started this book but as she got stronger and stood up for herself and what she wanted more the more she grew on me and I found myself cheering for her by the end.

Colt is just yummy and I loved him from the very beginning. I didn’t like that he first started out trying to make Beth Ann suffer a little in the woods or that he lied to her for awhile but he did redeem himself in the end. Colt has a lot of issues with coming from a family that was poor and looked down on in Bluebonnet but I liked seeing him work past the issues but I still felt that he had more to deal with that weren’t talked about or dealt with. I did really enjoy how he brought out a different side of Beth Ann and that he got her to loosen up so much.

I enjoyed this book a lot and my only big issues with it was that the characters repeated themselves a lot and Beth Ann in the beginning. I really hope the next book is Brenna and Grant’s because those two have a lot of sexual tension and I want Grant to be happy again. This was a great contemporary romance and I can’t wait to read more from this author.