A review by brittneymichelle
Wake of the Phoenix by Chelsea Harper

DNF @ 30%.

I tried and I wanted to love this but it put me in a slump. I’m not one to keep reading things that aren’t for me but that’s not to say this is at all bad. The politics of this world are immersive and the machinations thrilling—but I couldn’t care for the POV characters sans Saylina. The world building is phenomenal and gripping. I just feel meh about the book as a whole. The characters didn’t click with me—and I found that I was pretty bored with the pacing.

However, if you’re a fan of slow-paced political high fantasy this would be a great fit. The court system feels unique and trying to decipher what’s really happening does keep the story moving, albeit not as quickly as I would like. Maybe after publication I’ll try again but right now it just wasn’t for me.

Thanks NetGalley for a free arc to review.