A review by imbookingit
The Wizard of London by Mercedes Lackey


Probably more of a 3.5 stars, but I enjoyed it.

The best part of this book was the magical world presented. It's an alternate history, set in England in a past much like ours. There was a world of elemental mages, with the power to control an element and the magical creatures associated with that sphere, and those with more psychic gifts-- like speaking with the dead as well as various battle related skills.

The characters were also interesting, particularly David Alderscroft. He's a basically good guy being lured by the pull of power, led by a mentor who is much more than she appears.

Isabelle also had an interesting story, linked long ago with David's. After their relationship ended, she went to India, and found her husband. Together they have built a very satisfying life, including a school for children of British citizens living abroad-- particularly those with magical talents of the non-elemental variety.

At the center of the action are two very talented young girls. I had a problem when reading that if their age was given in the first part of the book, I missed it. If I'd been reading a print version I would have gone back to check, but that's much harder when listening. I kept trying to guess, and my estimates ranged from 8/10 to 15/17. I did figure it out, but I think I would have liked the book better if they had been older. As it was, it felt more like events were happening to them, and they weren't mature enough to make good decisions about their involvement.

I'm planning to go back and fill in earlier books in the series. I don't think they are particularly tightly linked, but I'd like to explore this world a little more.