A review by jbrooxd
A Counterfeit Suitor by Darcie Wilde


[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

4 stars = Great! Might re-read.

I'd probably give the story here a 3.5, but I love the characters in this series so much, I'm bumping it up to four. I appreciated getting a story focused on Rosalind's father which might give her some closure on things. The wrinkle with her nemesis wanting her help to clear his name was great. I'd love to see some movement in Rosalind's love life now that this piece of her story has been resolved to an extent. This is a must-read series for me. Historical fans should check it out - but I'd start at the beginning rather than dropping in here. (LGBTQ+)