A review by ktc8
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir


"If we end here, it'll be just like.... a bad dream, won't it?"

"I've carried you, Warden. And I've carried your memory... I'd rather carry you."
Clack. "I cannot bear the thought of using you?
Pause. "Love and freedom don't coexist, Warden."
Clack. "This is all there is to love? Simply by being in your life, I have added indelibly to its weight?"
Pause. "Yes"
Clack. "Camilla, I mean it."
Pause. "I meant it too. You used to say it to me."
"We are one flesh. Clack.
"I am your end"

ive been crying for days. how can you grieve for characters that are still there but not?

muir does this thing of breaking down the walls that make up understanding. who decided a table was called a table, its just a thing what else is there to say? who is nona but a middle between a top and a bottom - i think i learned that just being there is enough to being a person - being 6 months old and slightly terrible was worth it. what is it that makes up being a person? what matters?

i loved this, definitely not the strongest in the series imo but honestly its because it makes the most sense.

i missed gideon so much i cried when she came on screen no joke. and its sickening that theyre never together again, her and harrow. the horror of realizing these characters only exist within minutes of each other and will kill themselves and the other if theyre together? why tf did this book make me sob over camilla and sex pal i cant take it i didnt know i could love them. also fuck ianthe and gideon having FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS tell me something so fucked up again muir and ill turn this ship around right now.