A review by acornett99
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle


I’m so glad for the last chapter of this story as it follows the human characters, who have seen and loved a unicorn and who have experienced true and strong magic, to now have to decide how to live their lives after that. Knowing that it’s there, but not being able to have it themselves. 

I went to see a solar eclipse this year, and I felt much the same. After witnessing that kind of amazement, that childlike wonder, that which is so much bigger than yourself, you just have to keep living afterwards. Maybe, if we’re very lucky, we’ll get to see it again, but most likely not. We just have to be grateful that we were able to witness it at all, and be happy that it continues to exist.

So yes, the last chapter of this book resonated with me, but I can’t say that the rest of the book added much to what I already knew from having seen the movie (which is still a great story!)