A review by bianca89279
Idaho by Emily Ruskovich


I've finally finished this novel. Admittedly, it was a busy time of the year and it was probably not the wisest choice of reading material for this period. I'm surprised to see that it's only about 320 pages long, I was under the impression that it was around the 500-page mark.

What can I say about Idaho since I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. The only thing that I'm certain about is that Emily Ruskovich is a talented writer, who can do prose and atmosphere beautifully. There are pages and pages of gorgeous, dream-like writing.

The novel has an interesting and, at times, confusing structure, going back and forward in time, including to the future, in a non-linear way. One of the aspects that added to my confusion was the multiple points of view, especially from relatively small, insignificant characters. I kept waiting for them to reveal themselves as important pieces of the puzzle.

Speaking of reveals, unfortunately, while I am not one to demand everything to be tied-up nicely with a bow, there were way too many questions left unanswered, even when one keeps in mind that not everything has an answer, not every behaviour can be explained.

SpoilerWhy does a seemingly normal, loving mother kill her daughter, May? We never find out. I kept waiting for the reveal, so when the novel ended I was still as confused. What had happened to June, the older sister?

While I felt somewhat deflated that the threads of this novel were left hanging, I am not at all sorry for having read it, because it was different and the writing was exquisite. I am certainly looking forward to reading more by Emily Ruskovich.

3.5 stars rounded up

I received this novel via Netgalley. Many thanks to the publishers, Random House UK, Vintage Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this novel.