A review by ashliesydel
Self-Care for Black Women: 150 Ways to Radically AcceptPrioritize Your Mind, Body,Soul by Oludara Adeeyo


 This was an incredibly informative book that educated and empowered the reader. I was very proud of myself because if I had come across this book 5 years ago, I would not have been practicing any of the 150 ways to prioritize my self-care. However, reading this felt soo good because there were several things I have already begun practicing.

All 150 suggestions in this book were spot on. All women struggle with self-care. However black women do have unique and specific needs and traumas that were addressed in this book.

I enjoyed how this book was formatted to make the reading very easy. I would highly recommend for anyone looking for a quick and easy read on self-care and practices they can incorporate into their daily life for self-improvement.