A review by motherhorror
Hiding Bones: The Best Poetry of Hiding Skeletons & Literary Bones by Holly Ducarte


I don't know how great of a judge I am when it comes to poetry. For me, as just a reader/observer, poetry seems very personal--almost like a free flow of thoughts about one's emotions/ideas so I'm not entirely sure it's up for judgement.
Also, I don't think I'd know *good* poetry from *bad* poetry. Is there such classifications? Again, I'm new to this arena.
However, that being said, I know what I like. I know what I enjoy and I very much enjoyed Holly's poetry book, Hiding Bones.
Broken down into themes:
I loved Love & Mystery poems the most. They really spoke to me. Specifically, "Whiskey and Wine" and the poem, "Dillinger" reminded me of a love story from the show Peaky Blinders! So I really loved that one.
In the section of Life, I liked the poem "Pomegranate Seeds" and the picture.
I loved all the poems in the Mystery section, notably "Itchmark", "My Belle" and "Robotic Anatomy"
Overall, this was a beautiful book that appears to be a glimpse into the author's soul--so I read it with care and respect. I hope Holly keeps writing!