A review by foxclouds
Allegiant by Veronica Roth


I read the first 3 pages of Allegiant and had to put it down. I was not ready and very surprised to see that the narration of the book was split into two points of view - Tris' and Tobias'. I was not ready for Tobias' point of view. I was very concerned about how he perceives everything that Tris does. When I was reading Divergent, I couldn't really understand WHY he felt attracted to her. And Insurgent he kept supporting her and loving her, in spite of everything she's done, all the lies and heading into danger. (I am not saying Tobias is without a fault, but you know what I mean).

I was really relieved to see that Tobias is as genuine and gentle as he was portrayed through Tris' eyes. I really enjoyed reading chapters written in Tobias' point of view. Sometimes even more than Tris', as they gave an amazing perspective into a lot of things that I was only guessing before.

The writing style in Allegiant is way better than in the previous books. It is more consistent, the narrative is more paced. It is obvious that after the first two books Veronica Roth really grew as a writer. Overall, it was a way more pleasurable read than the first two.

The ending. Oh my god, the ending! I am not going to say anything, except for it is an epic ending, the one that I applaud Veronica for - because you need guts as a writer to pull something like that off! I feel that this ending is the reason for the lower ratings of this book on GoodReads. Which sort of makes sense in my head, as undoubtedly the hardcore fans expected something different. But for me it was a very real and fitting, albeit very unpredictable, ending. And I am okay with this ending. I am very okay with it!

There are some paragraphs at the end, which are very philosophical and very touching.

Sadly, some of my favourite characters didn't survive this book, but I am still happy to see that my absolutely favourite made it out alive.

To me the ending, the way it is, does not diminish anything that has happened in the series before it. On the other hand, it is what life is. It is the most realistic and the most believable ending. Do I wish for a different ending? Yes, in a way. Would I change this ending if I had a power to do so? Probably, no.

(My review of the whole series is here http://foxclouds.com/2015/07/29/book-review-the-divergent-series-july-29-2015/)