A review by zoes_human
Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire by Penelope Flynn, Nicole Givens Kurtz, L. Marie Wood, Lynette Hoag, Miranda J. Riley, Michele Tracy Berger, Samantha Bryant, Steven Van Patten, L.H. Moore, Steve Van Samson, Balogun Ojetade, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, John Linwood Grant, Colin Cloud Dance, Sumiko Saulson, Jessica Cage, Milton Davis, V.G. Harrison, Delizhia D. Jenkins, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Jeff Carroll, Valjeanne Jeffers, Dicey Grenor, Alledria Hurt, Craig Laurance Gidney, Kai Leakes, Sheree Renne Thomas, K.R.S. McEntire, Alicia McCalla


Sharing only a common thread of vampires and afrocentricism, SLAY is a diverse collection of paranormal tales, ranging from the sweetly charming to the grimly dystopian with stories both action-packed and emotionally-driven in the past, the present, and the future. Loaded with twenty-nine stories, there is a broad enough selection that folks of all tastes are guaranteed to find shorts that they love. In particular, I was take by the manifold interpretations of "vampire". Alongside new twists on traditional lore, there are narratives that conceptualize these predators in entirely novel ways.

My personal favorites were L. Marie Wood's The Dance (breathtaking in its sensuality), Penelope Flynn's Unfleamed (that literally made me squeal at the end), Kai Leake's Di Conjuring Nectar of di Blood (containing an astonishing breadth of scope seldom found in short form), and Steve Van Samson's No God But Hunger (grim and exciting and everything I love in speculative fiction). In addition to these, there were many others that also thrilled, and, while there were some included authors who need more time to grow and develop, there are none within that lack skill or potential.


Craig Laurance Gidney
3 stars
This fascinating spin on vampires replete with incredible description was well on the way to a 5-star rating. Unfortunately, it stopped rather than actually ending. There was no closure, and it read like a prelude or first chapter.

Love Hangover
Sheree René Thomas
4 stars
Seeking only love and solidarity, Frankie instead finds obsession and nightmares.

The Retiree
Steven Van Patten
4 stars
A retired father is packed off to a nursing home but still has some unfinished business to resolve. A touching paranormal tale with multiple surprises.

The Dance
L. Marie Wood
5 stars
The most viscerally sensual thing I have ever read.

A Clink of Crystal Glasses Heard
LH Moore
3 stars
Coming-of age is a mixed blessing for women, but some have a bit more to deal with that others.

Diary of a Mad Black Vampire
Dicey Grenor
4 stars
A wonderfully tricksome tale that left me grinning in pure delight.

The Return of the OV
Jeff Carroll
2 stars
While wonderful conceptually, the dialogue was stiff, and the ending fell flat.

The Last Vampire Huntress
Alicia McCalla
4 stars
An exciting tale about difficult choices and toxic love

Gritty Corners
Jessica Cage
3 stars
Exciting and action-paced but I disliked the ending and unexplained bonding issue.

Shadow of Violence
Balogun Ojetade
2 stars
Nicely written action but the dialogue felt very Hollywood action film, which some folks love but not me.

'Til Death
Lynette S. Hoag
2 stars
The plot and character choices lacked credibility to realism which simply left me unable to suspend disbelief enough to sink into the story

K. R. S. McEntire
3.5 stars
A little too sweet for my personal taste, but definitely a unique take on vampires with well-sculpted characters.

Penelope Flynn
5 stars
THAT ENDING THOUGH!!! I loved this! So rooted in lore yet also very new. I long to read more set in this universe.

Beautiful Monsters
Valjeanne Jeffers
4 stars
An exciting adventure in an intriguing world.

Delizhia D. Jenkins
3 stars
I like the concept of the story, and the writing style is compelling. However, there was a jarring credibility issue with the one sister knowing yet not realizing the other sister did not especially given that the relationship is portrayed as close.

Di Conjuring Nectar of di Blood
Kai Leakes
5 stars
An enticing and thrilling universe. It very much drew to mind both Anne Rice's <u>Queen of the Damned</u> and Octavia Butler's <u>Wild Seed</u>. The historical depth of all three greatly intrigued me. I'd love to see an expanded version that digs deep into the full history of the vampire culture in here.

Snake Hill Blues
John Linwood Grant
4 stars
Brilliant. An incredible sense of building anticipation as well as a deft handing for a turn of phrase that paints a picture of complex emotional depth, from which one feels a gestalt of understanding and recognition.

Alledria Hurt
4 stars
A thrilling chase story about the bonds of family.

Attack on the University of Lagos, Law Faculty
Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki
3 stars
The action was well-written and the main character amusing; however, it felt more like a scene than a story and was a bit heavy handed at points.

<i>His Destroyer</i>
Samantha Bryant
4 stars
A grimly gorgeous short merging Judeo-Christian myth with vampire lore. Absolutely riveting.

Colin Cloud Dance
3 stars
Ack. So this was going magnificently, cleverly designed and well-written, when it just stopped. No wrap up. No real ending. Just no more story.

Asi's Horror and Delight
Sumiko Saulson
2 stars
Great concept but displeasing execution. If felt as if it was trying hard to be sexy but it came across as tiresome rather than sensual.

In Egypt's Shadows
Vonnie Winslow Crist
3 stars
A sweet and lovely story. Well done overall but sweet isn't really my thing.

Miranda J. Riley
2.5 stars
A touch too obvious in its didacticism but with exciting action scenes. There are inconsistencies as well. The core of the story is excellent but the execution needs to develop and grow.

No God But Hunger
Steve Van Samson
5 stars
A post-apocalyptic survival tale where vampires may be the apex, but everything is a predator. Exciting and compelling.

Milton J. Davis
4 stars
Yet another delightful twist on the classic vampire in a dystopian fantasy adventure. The story is complete in and of itself, yet I would not mind to revisit this world.

Message in a Vessel
V. G. Harrison
4 stars
A dystopian tale of oppression and the future.

Blood Saviors
Michele Tracy Berger
3 stars
An intriguing and exciting read, but it reads like a chapter or preface and doesn't provide closure.