A review by hirsutenewt
The Broken Earth Trilogy: The Fifth Season, The Obelisk Gate, The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin


The trilogy starts strong and gets worse throughout. Initially the different perspectives colour lots of different types of life in the world and work well to world build smoothly but end up feeling samey or unnecessary.
The reveal in book 1 that Damaya is Syenite worked for me but it was strange that the reveal that Syenite is Essun is dragged out in the back half and is "revealed" several chapters after it becomes obvious. Essun not getting to her husband sucks! It's the emotional core of the first book and then the plot pauses until the last few chapters of book 3. I found this very unsatisfying and it made the ending feel rushed. The second and third books feel meandering and like they could have been condensed down into one book (or even into a single long book with the first). Specially I would cut all the pre shattering chapters from book 3 because I think they take away from the pacing and add little context that can't be gleaned from other chapters. Castrima never elevated itself out of diversion plot point for me so I would also cut much of that. The no longer being alone beat for Essun that it enables never really landed for me compared to the reunion with Nassun so it felt it it took away focus right to the end.

Slightly seperatly I don't like the way trans people are written here. The trans boy character's role is to be sexually assaulted and then disappear. The trans woman is a character at least but her story contradicts the world building we get around trans acceptance by her being kicked out by her family. She also gets detransitioned by the apocalypse and there's a bizzarely out of place line in the second book about her jawline. Just gives me vibes of trans characters written by cis author who is liberal and finds trans experiences interesting/important to explore. Generally I want transness in genre fiction to be explored through the contrast of how they experience life due to tech/magic/culture and real trans people's experience. This is not that and feels ham fisted.