A review by dark_reader
Brimstone by Cherie Priest


Another pleasant but slightly ho-hum genre novel from Cherie Priest. I continue to read most everything she puts out, despite feeling "meh" part-way through almost all of her books. The genre interest sustains me somewhat, I guess. There is something in particular about the speech, especially internal dialogue, and reactions of her characters that I always find odd, and I never know quite how to express it. Her characters are usually meant to be oddballs for the most part, but even so I find their behavior and thought patterns jarring somehow. This is her unique style, so I guess if you like it, you like it. I personally remain on the fence.

The book is written in two character viewpoints in alternating chapters; Alice Dartle, a young medium arriving at a town of mediums/clairvoyants/what have you, who dreams of the dreams of the other main character, Tomas Cordero, a grieving, shell-shocked widower whose life is plagued by fire. It takes a little too long for them to converge and overall I found that the story dragged a bit. I much preferred the Tomas chapters; his mournful, gentle soul was much more pleasant to spend time in than Alice's slightly flighty awkward self. The climax was satisfying, if a little rushed.

Yes, despite my partial misgivings I will continue to read her novels (my town library appears to pick up all of her new releases) including The Family Plot (released a year before this one) and Indigo (released in June 2017; a =n urban super-hero novel by 10 authors which sounds like a great way to ruin a book, but we shall see).