A review by anasatticbookblog
Bury Me by Tara Sivec


Bury Me by Tara Sivec
Narrated by Stephanie Willis
Psychological thriller. Standalone.
4.5 stars

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As most of you know, Tara Sivec has been my favorite author since 2012 when she released Seduction & Snacks. I have read every single book except ONE, Bury Me. Why? I still remember my nightmares after reading The Shining. I don’t do scary books or movies. Bury Me also came out during a serious health scare, so my mind wasn’t going there. Instead, I had my friends Joanne and Megan write reviews.

But this year I was flying up to Cleveland during October to see Tara’s movie premiere of Seduction & Snacks and I decided that since it was Halloween and I was seeing her, I would finally give Bury Me a go. I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect to really like it. But I not only liked it, I loved it! It was completely different from anything I have read, and it wasn’t scary, it was more of a mystery/suspense. It also made me question everything I thought I knew about Tara because her twisted mind is a scarier, crazier place than I ever imagined.

“My name is Ravenna Duskin. I’m eighteen years old and I live in a prison…”

Ravenna wakes up after a head injury in the State Penitentiary she has grown up in. Built in the 1800s, her father was the warden, it is no longer open but the family takes care of it for public tours. Nothing feels right to Ravenna. She lost a lot of her memory, has these flashes of thoughts that don't seem to match what everyone says about her, and she knows her parents are lying to her, but she can’t figure out what happened to her.
“My name is Ravenna Duskin. I’m eighteen years old, I live in a prison, and I will find out the truth, even if it destroys everyone around me.”

Tara kept me on the edge of my seat, guessing incorrectly through the entire book, and I wasn’t able to stop listening. I am not going to do my usual likes and dislikes because I don’t want to give you any hints about this book. But if you've hesitated, like me, because scary isn’t your thing—Bury Me is more twisted than scary, and it was a great change of pace.

The Narration:

Stephanie Willis was absolutely perfect, and I loved that she wasn’t familiar to me.

The Down and Dirty:

Bury Me by Tara Sivec is a crazy ride, and a great choice when you need a break from romance. For some reason, I thought it was more horror than a psychological thriller, but I was wrong. I thought I’d be stressed out wanting to cover my ears, but just the opposite, I couldn’t stop listening. There were twists and turns that kept me guessing and I loved the end.

But I’m a little scared of Tara now.

Rating: 4.5 Stars, 5 Narration

Purchase Bury Me by Tara Sivec

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