A review by fashionating
The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy: How to Use Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy for Anti-Aging, Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Performance Enhancement, and Brain Optimization by Ari Whitten


There's so many things to love about this book but I'll narrow it down to my top four:

1.) Some of the content is repetitive in order to increase comprehension.
2.) Ari gives makes and models of red and NIR lights and where to buy them (I bought one--it arrived yesterday!!!).
3.) He cites his work and they're from legitimate sources such as NIH.
4.) If something is very technical, Ari will tell you that you can skip the section if you're not interested. Needless to say, there were parts I skipped ;-)

After finishing the book, the author also emailed me a condensed version which will be very helpful. I finished the book, ordered the light, went on vacation, and not sure I remember what to do so I will be reading the Cliff Notes today!