A review by janthonytucson
Good Night, Sleep Tight: The Sleep Lady's Gentle Guide to Helping Your Child Go to Sleep, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Happy by Kim West


OK all caps is obnoxious, but not nearly as obnoxious as being woken up every 90 minutes by a crying baby every single night.

My wife and I followed the instructions in this book to a T and it worked. I said to my wife before the 1st night that there is no way this will work, since our son was waking every 90 minutes (or less) crying for the boob and would end up in our bed between us, resulting in both of us getting a terrible nights sleep.

On the 5th night, which is not even all the way through the steps, our son was sleeping in his own crib, in his own room (not in the bassinet next to our bed) and he slept 10.5 hours straight uninterrupted!

I lack the vocabulary, and talent to express into words just how incredible that is.

This book changed our lives.