A review by blogginboutbooks
On Air with Zoe Washington by Janae Marks


I loved the first book in the Zoe Washington series, so I was all in for this sequel. There's a lot to like about it. All of the main characters in the book are warm, caring, supportive, and kind. Zoe's family is especially so. I love that her parents make a point of including Zoe's birth father in their gatherings so that she can have a relationship with him. Although there is a teensy bit of friend drama in the novel, there are no mean girl type situations, a rarity when it comes to middle-grade stories. It was refreshing not to read about bullying and catty kids for once! I also like that Zoe is so likable—she's smart, compassionate, thoughtful, and ambitious. It's easy to admire her determination and root for her success in achieving her goals.

Unfortunately, this second book in the series doesn't feel as unique and memorable as the first one. It covers a lot of territory, exploring a number of different themes, which makes it feel a bit here, there, and everywhere. I would have liked a more focused plot. The exoneree angle is definitely part of this book, but it doesn't get enough play time in my opinion. That's what makes this series unique and I would have liked to see more of it.

While I definitely enjoyed ON AIR WITH ZOE WASHINGTON, it wasn't as much of a stand-out for me as FROM THE DESK OF ZOE WASHINGTON. I'll keep reading the series, though, because I enjoy the characters, the writing, and the upbeat vibe of the series.

If I could, I would give this book 3 1/2 stars; since I can't, I'm rounding up.