A review by larson49
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken


//read via recommendation from the patagonia catalog/magazine//

Using peer-reviewed science and mathematical models, their goal is to illuminate simple and economically viable solutions that drastically reduce, and even reverse, humanity's CO2 emissions = yep I'm sold

Action Items:
-Replace fossil fuels with renewable energy from solar, wind, and water (see Liverpool and Denmark)
-Eat less meat: adopting a begetarian diet can cut our carob emissions from food consumption by 63%
-Change how we grow plants: degraded soil releases carbon content into the air
-Lower traffic congestion, energy-efficient buildings, improve the flow of electricity, water, and heating
-More fuel efficient transportation
-Protect forests, peats, and wetlands while also restoring degraded land (see Brazil)
-Get a better fridge

Nothing in here is ground breaking or something that hasn't been put in another global warming book, but I enjoyed the science behind it.