A review by mommasaystoread
Knuckle Down by Chantal Fernando


Knuckles was one of my favorite characters in the first Cursed Ravens book, so I was excited to dig into his story. It doesn't disappoint. He's aware of his sex appeal and doesn't care to point it out, but he's not over the top arrogant about it. He's also completely unfiltered and has a wit about him that I absolutely love. Celina is his opposite in almost everything. She's straight-laced and emotionally closed off. She does voice her opinion, which of course, often differs from Knuckles' and their resulting banter is witty and fun. As with the first book in the series, we don't get the down and dirty details of the MC. The book is more about the feeling of family and personal interactions of the group. The drama is obvious, even before it happens, but the focus of the story is in the developing relationship between Knuckles and Celina. I loved how their romance develops as they move toward a happy medium with their differing lifestyles. All in all, another entertaining, fun read from this author.