A review by lifeofaliterarynerd
It Had to Be You by Lizzy Charles


This was such a quick book. It was so easy to read and follow the story. I knew I’d like this book, because who doesn’t enjoy a good fake dating story. They’re alway the perfect combination of cheesy romance and hyped up drama. I’m a sucker for both.

Things I Liked:
-The meet cute in this book is fantastic. It’s the perfect blend of endearing, humor, charm. It shows Edel and James’ personalities and sets up their relationship.
-I really liked the Dual POV in this book. Edle and James had distinct voices and personalities. So it was nice getting to see things from both of their points of views and how they interpret what’s happening around them.
-Edel and James both seemed like genuinely nice people. They were supportive of each other and kind. They were really easy to root for and get behind.

Things I Didn’t Like:
-I felt like the secondary characters were undeveloped. We just didn’t really get enough of them for them to feel like real people. They didn’t have much of a role so I never connected with them.
-story was a little too fast paced. I would have liked it to be a little longer to just add more depth, with the side characters and expanding the world and relationship to feel real. Some scenes were glossed over and could have been used to add more weight to the story.
-The drama at the end felt a little rushed and unbelievable. Again, I think it could have been better if there was more added.

This was a fun story filled with lovable main character and tons of humor. This is a great contemporary read, guaranteed to make you smile.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.