A review by nikkivrc
Catullus: The Complete Poems by Catullus


Catullus is probably my favourite Latin poet. After years of Virgil, Ovid and Tacitus in my Latin class, Catullus was a breath of fresh air. My friends and I even recited some of his poems to each other during recess, which either means we were total geeks or that Catullus is just loads of fun. With those memories in mind, I picked up this volume of his collected works and I was not disappointed. No epic poems or myths here, but bawdy, funny and totally inappropiate poems. 80% of his work is about sex, which isn't hinted at but crudely described. Many of them are outright insults to people he knew, but oh so clever. Reading this collection though, I was surprised to find a couple of longer, serious poems. In my opinion, those aren't as good as his coarser short poems, but they're certainly not bad.