A review by bookswithdeniece
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey


The 5th Wave.. Hmm, how will I start? I think I’ll start off by admitting that I was hesitant to read this at first because it is about aliens. Don’t know why, but I always imagine them as someone who looked like E.T. or sometimes I imagine them like the green creatures in the Toy’s Story, but a lot taller. So anyway, that’s the reason why I didn’t want to read the book. But then again, it was overhyped and it’s going to be a movie so I decided that it is a must read. I’m glad that I proceeded to reading it because I enjoyed everything about it.

I liked Cassie Sullivan very much. She’s very smart, brave, bad ass and most importantly she’s a very good and loving sister. She’s like the whole package, and again I repeat BAD ASS. She doesn’t let her fear get to her. Yes, there are times when she feels like giving up, but she never did because she’s thinking of her brother, Sams, all the time. I think she wouldn’t be that bad ass if it weren’t for her motivation to save her brother. Also, she’s very sarcastic, witty, and funny. I found myself laughing because of her. The other characters were also great, but I would no longer get into the details because I’m afraid I might spoil something or worse, everything.

I loved the alternating POVs between the characters. All their storylines are to look forward to. No POV was dull, even Sams. I think the alternating POVs were important because I got to know all the main characters’ feelings and experiences, and also the changes they had due to the invasion.

Overall, I loved this book so much and I recommend this to everyone who have a thing for aliens, good action, and well, romance.