A review by naomilane
Blood Red Kiss by Gena Showalter, Larissa Ione, Kresley Cole


Disclaimer: this is a review for Dark Swan by Gena Showalter, I have not read the other two yet.

As always, Gena strikes again. I devoured this book, I seem to always say the same stuff when I review Gena's books but I am not lying, I am not pretending to love her work, I just do. I truly do. Gena is a treasure, she's precious.

Back to the actual book. Dark Swan is not a full novel but it's not a novella either, I think it's about 216 pages long, more or less. I usually have a hard time liking shorter books, it's hard for me to connect with the characters, love story etc but it wasn't the case with Dark Swan, from the very first word to the very last one, I was hooked.

We've all been waiting for Dallas's book, it's been years and Gena finally wrote his story for us. I've always been a big fan of his in the Alien Huntress series and so I was thrilled to be able to read and learn more about him. Trust me ladies, he does not disappoint! Dallas is as broody and sassy as ever in Dark Swan. Of course, it's a shorter book so at the end you may want more time with him but, don't fret, I have a feeling Gena isn't done with this world and these characters...

I strongly encourage you to read the Alien Huntress series before reading Dark Swan, for several reasons:
- it's an amazing, funny and kick-ass series
- Gena wrote it
- you'll get to read more about Dallas and his past
- and, obviously, you'll understand the book much better

Anyway, Dark Swan basically starts right where Dark Taste of Rapture ended. The AIR is still trying to find the Schon queen, the bitch is still infecting people and Dallas is still Dallas. Our heroine, however, is new to us. Lilica is not an alien, she's not human either, she was created by scientists along with her two sisters. Lilica meets Dallas through Devyn when the latter captures and tortures her for information about the Schon queen. I really can't say much more except that I hadn't read more than 20 pages before Gena dropped a small bomb on me and I was shocked. Well done, G, well done.

I honestly loved that book, I think Gena did a marvelous job with it. I mean, it's not easy writing about a character from 5 years ago, remembering all the little details about him but also about the universe, the secondary characters, the plot etc. I found myself right back into it, it was like Gena never stopped writing about them in the first place.

If you loved Dallas before you're going to love him even more now! He made me laugh right from the start with his oversized ego and his relationship with Devyn is so precious. I think their bromance is my favorite from all of Gena's bromances. I really liked Lilica as well, she too is very funny and quite sassy (Gena is the queen of sassy heroines), determined, strong and with a drop of innocence. And, if I'm not mistaken, I think Lilica is Gena's first black heroine. Which was a very nice change and something I really appreciated!

The sexual tension is off the charts in this book! Loved the playful relationship Dallas had with Lilica, he doesn't hold back at all with her and it's so amazing to read. I laughed in more than one occasion while reading this and it was mostly because of what Dallas said to her without restraint. Or vice versa.

Of course and to my delight, a lot of characters from the Alien Huntress series make an appearance in Dark Swan. Especially Devyn and Bride, both are important to the story. Devyn is one of my all time favorite characters, I love him so much and I was so happy to have more of his cocky self in this book. He is just so precious and hilarious.

All in all, I'm sure Dark Swan wasn't an easy book to write but Gena did it brilliantly, the plot was very well written and it gave a satisfying conclusion to the series...even if I'm sure we're not quite done with them yet.