A review by thiccandired
The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook: How to Write Great Patterns that Knitters Will Love to Make by Sarah Walworth, Kristina McGrath


4.7 / 5.0

I very much enjoyed this book. I am a prolific knitter and crafter of various textile arts, so understanding how to better write tutorials and patterns is always welcome.

So much of this book can be translated over to other crafts. This is a great niche study in project management and informative presentation techniques.

Overall, I will likely reference what I learned and annotated in this book for future projects and tutorials. It is well written, concise, and useful. I recommend it to creators in the knitting world and other craft focuses to help you improve your pattern and tutorial writing techniques.

U til Next Time,

I received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.