A review by melhara
We Just Clicked by Anna Bell



[b:We Just Clicked|52747125|We Just Clicked|Anna Bell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1587214360l/52747125._SY75_.jpg|73724446] is about Izzy Brown, who dreams of being an Instagram influencer as a full-time job. To increase her following, she and her coworker Luke (who, visually, look like a great couple) team up to pretend to be a couple in order to boost their social media presence and gain more sponsorships. The idea is to pretend to be a couple for a while, and then break up amicably once they've each reached their desired number of followers. As you can imagine, things don't go exactly as planned - Luke becomes obsessed with gaining more followers while Izzy falls in love with another guy (Aidan) and tries to hide her fake relationship and obsession with Instagram from him.

This was a really cute, light-hearted, and fun rom-com with major [a:Sophie Kinsella|6160|Sophie Kinsella|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1245821549p2/6160.jpg] vibes. It had great insights on influencer culture and lifestyle, with emphasis on not believing everything you see on social media. I also really enjoyed reading the behind-the-scenes that goes on with planning Instagram posts and it really made me wonder if the couples I see on Instagram are actually together