A review by nightc0urt
Twin Crowns by Catherine Doyle, Katherine Webber


A perfect escape from the a dull real world, Twin Crowns is the perfect book to make you swoon, laugh and forget your problems for a little while.

Wren, is a witch living on the edges of the country, plotting for when she can return to the kingdom to take it over. Rose, is the soon to be queen of her country waiting for her wedding day and coronation. Something have in common? They are twin sisters who both have their eyes on the crown. What would happen if the twins were to switch places and while Wren plots to steal the crown, Rose has to live with the people she’s sworn as enemies for her entire life.

I knew before starting this book I was going to end up loving it and it did not disappoint. Twins Crowns follows two points of view, switching back and forth from Wren and Rose and I honestly enjoyed both of their storylines equally. Both had romance and especially Wren had a ton of humor, I found myself tabbing away at her chapters even though going into this book I thought for sure I was going to be team Royal, turns out, I’m more team Coven lol.

I really enjoyed all of the main and side characters, especially then men, Shen and Tor. Shen is a cocky magical warrior that sounds smoking and Tor is sweet and always watching (in a non creepy way) and has a reliable wolf companion, Elske, who I ADORE. Also Celeste, Rose’s best friend, is everything you could want from a bestie.

I enjoyed that even though Wren and her family has been plotting for eighteen years, things don’t go perfectly as planned and there are a lot of bumps in the road. It definitely helped make the book not predictable. Also Rose really overall blossomed and even though this review is all over the place , I really can’t wait to see where the conclusion of this series takes us.

It’s best to not take this book too seriously and just enjoy the ride. For fans of fantasy romance with a good bit of humor, Twin Crowns is sure to delight.

Read if you like
- Hidden destines
- A very smart wolf
- Princess Bride vibes
- Switched Roles
- Witty, banter filled romance
- Amazing best friends
- Magic
- Set in a kingdom
- Sweet treats & cozy moments
- Potential bookish boyfriends
- Kidnappers who are definitely hot
- Strong female protagonists