A review by amybibliophile
Finale by Stephanie Garber


Thank you to Hodder & Stoughton for providing me ARC. All opinions are my own.

"Welcome, welcome to Finale. All games must come to an end…"


Its no secret this is my favourite series ever and I recently did a reread of the previous 2 books because I didn't want to risk forgetting any part of this magnificent story.

We get both Tella & Scarletts prospective in Finale which I love as we get to follow both sisters adventure & get equal amounts of Julian and Legendary which is all ever I wanted!

You really delve deeper into the character relationships in Finale and my! They are filled with love, betrayal, obsession, distrust and stolen kisses. Its hard to write this without giving anything away but Tella's situations with her two love interest had me so confused... One second I was rooting for one and pushed the other to the side then the next chapter its swapped round, its messing with me I am in love with them both!!! If I cant decide then how can I expect Tella to?!

Stephanie Garber is so detailed in her descriptions of things that I am mesmerized by her writing. She has such talent that I can't think of another YA author that has captivated me as a reader and held onto that attention for as long as she does. Its almost like playing a game of Caraval yourself, 1 minute your opening the book and then before you know it a whole day has gone by and you've hardly came up for air! The world building, lavish dress descriptions, the male characters... Everything is so very swoon-worthy! All the while Stephanie keeps you on the edge of your seat and turning every page hoping the next will tell you if these characters will sacrifice what they know and love for the ending they deserve.

In Caraval we get an introduction to the magic and characters with a little of their history, by the end of Legendary we meet a whole bunch of new characters with the Fates, that fit into it seamlessly then when we get to Finale we are told how it all came to be, and all the power lies in the sisters hands to decide what sort of world they want to live in - and who with. Finale was definitely a darker read than the other 2.

But the ending was exactly what I needed without it feeling rushed or any detail missed out. I'm brokenhearted that this is all over and I am forever appreciative to Stephanie Garber for writing these wonderful books and sharing them with the world. I cannot recommend these books enough, and the only bad thing I have to say about it is that its all over! These characters have all my love for the rest of their literary lives.