A review by imzadirose
Pulse by Çiğdem Öztekin, Jeremy Robinson


In my quest to find more books like Matt Reilly's Scarecrow series (starts with [b:Ice Station|144790|Ice Station (Shane Schofield, #1)|Matthew Reilly|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388185756s/144790.jpg|289833]) and Andy McDermott's Wilde & Chase series (starts with [b:The Hunt for Atlantis|2445116|The Hunt for Atlantis (Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase, #1)|Andy McDermott|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1330094121s/2445116.jpg|2452310]), I tried Jeremy Robinson and this first book of his Chess Team series.

I didn't find it in the same level as Reilly/McDermott. There were a lot of down times where they were discussing things, which in the other series I mentioned the down time is minimal then it's right back to the action and while the story was steeped in fantasy, I didn't feel the over the top type action those other authors give me.

But, I really liked the Chess Team itself, so I did still enjoy the book and look forward to reading more about them.