A review by indoorg1rl
The Resemblance by Lauren Nossett


 A fraternity brother stepped into a busy crosswalk and got struck dead by an oncoming car. Witnesses said the driver looked identical to the victim, and he was smiling. Detective Marlitt Kaplan was the perfect officer to handle the case. Being a local and the daughter of a professor at the university, her professional and personal worlds started to collide. 
I picked this up in preparation for its sequel, The Professor, and I must say that I really enjoyed it. Marlitt’s background made her a fascinating character to follow. I was glued to the page (or to the earset, since I was listening to the audiobook), as I needed to know what had happened in Marlitt’s past. 
The quality of the scene writing in this one was superb. Marlitt’s dreams were so vivid. I kept playing them in my head like a movie. The scenes would translate really well into big screen! 
This was a great opening to a series, with Marlitt serving as a great main character to watch for. The audiobook performance was also terrific, with the ebbs and flows in the narration delivered perfectly. 
Moving on to the sequel now!